Edit Charge Favorite Dialog Box

Use the Edit Charge Favorite dialog box to edit charge favorites.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Administration module, click Users and Groups > Employee Groups > .
  2. On the Charge Favorites tab of the Employee Groups screen, click Edit Charge Favorite.


Dialog Box Fields

Field Description
Costpoint Company

Costpoint Company only appears if your system is configured for multicompany Costpoint and UDT06, UDT07, or both are being used. Select the Costpoint company name that you want to associate with the UDT06 or UDT07 for the charge favorite.

If you select None in Costpoint Company, you cannot specify a UDT06 or UDT07 for the favorite.

Charge codes

In the remaining fields, click to select the appropriate charge code for each. (If you know the charge code, you can also type it in the field.)


If Costpoint Company is available, you must specify a Costpoint company before you can make entries in UDT06 or UDT07. Also, to make an entry in UDT07, you must first make an entry in UDT02.

Override Description

Based on the charge codes you select, Time & Expense with ESS displays a default description for the favorite in Override Description. If you want a different description, type it in Override Description in place of the default.

Auto Load

Select the Auto Load check box if you want the favorite to be selected automatically when employees create  new timesheets.

If you later need to change this setting, you can do so using the check box in the Load column in the table on the Charge Favorites tab.


Select the Holiday check box if the favorite is for holiday time.

If you later need to change this setting, you can do so using the check box in the Holiday column in the table on the Charge Favorites tab.


Select the Leave check box if the favorite is for scheduled leave time.

If you later need to change this setting, you can do so using the check box in the Leave column in the table on the Charge Favorites tab.